St. James Lutheran Church Ministries
St. James is a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation, which is to say that people of all sexual orientations and gender identities share the worth that comes from being unique individuals created by God; are welcome within the membership of this congregation upon making a common, public Affirmation of faith; and that as members of this congregation, are expected and encouraged to share in the sacramental and general life of this congregation.
St. James is a congregation committed to outreach and service. We give generously beyond our own doors to the community, the wider church, and to needs and causes as they occur. St James is a congregation that cares deeply about Justice and working with those who have economic and social need. We partner with Metropolitan Lutheran Ministries to host a site on campus and operate a supplemental pantry program. |
St. James Lutheran Church - ELCA
1104 NE Vivion Road Kansas City, MO 64118 [email protected] 816-452-1018 Worship Schedule Sunday at 9:00 a.m. in-person and on Facebook Live Sunday School 10:00 a.m. for Adults and Children |